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Artículos y Actualidad de Año 2015

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17 de junio de 2015 /  Category: Actualidad - Medjugorje

Warning against feeding the current rumors, Father Federico Lombardi told the Register that a ruling is not likely before the Vatican’s summer break.

By Edward Pentin

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican downplayed intense speculation that Pope Francis will decide very soon on "certain doctrinal and disciplinary aspects" of alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje, saying it will most probably take months, rather than days or weeks.

28 de junio de 2015 /  Category: Otro[EN]

By Dan Burke

As I was making my way to the Catholic Church, I was deeply blessed by an encounter with a 17th century priest who taught me, through his writings, how to overcome aridity in prayer. This was a significant breakthrough for me and brought me tremendous relief. I developed an instant affinity to this priest and looked for other writings of his that might help me. By God’s grace, I didn’t find anything else about him until I became Catholic and discovered that his teachings were condemned by the Church.

28 de junio de 2015 /  Category: Actualidad - Medjugorje

Contradicting Italian media reports, a Vatican press official told the Register today that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has not ruled against the validity of the alleged apparitions.

By Edward Pentin

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican said Friday that, contrary to reports in Italian media, no decision has been made regarding certain doctrinal and disciplinary aspects of alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje.

2 de octubre de 2015 /  Category: Testimonios

By Emily A.

I grew up in a good and loving Catholic family and from a very young age, I always just knew that God is love. However, when I was just ten years old, it felt as if all of my childhood joy and innocence was just harshly snatched away from me.

I lived and grew up with a sister who has cerebral palsy and autism. She would often scream and cry, lash out and make threats to hurt me. I didn’t understand her behaviour and I felt frightened, hurt, rejected and confused.

2 de octubre de 2015 /  Category: Otro[EN]

By Mathew N. Schmalz

In the early 1980s, six children in the Yugoslavian town of Medjugorje reported seeing visions of the Virgin Mary. Since that time, millions of people have made the pilgrimage to Medjugorje and countless others still follow messages attributed to the Virgin Mary that are revealed by the original seers.

This summer, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) completed its investigation of the apparitions at Medjugorje and submitted its findings to Pope Francis. While rumors have long swirled that the report on Medjugorje will be negative, no one — to my knowledge — has gone on record confirming a negative judgment.