Medjugorje sites in Croatian language ^

Languages: German , English , Spanish , French , Croatian , Italian , Dutch , Polish

Mary's Meals is a campaign set up by Scottish International Relief aimed at providing the world's 300 million chronically hungry children with an escape from poverty. ^

Languages: Bulgarian , German , English , Spanish , French , Croatian , Italian , Latvian , Dutch , Norwegian , Polish , Portuguese , Russian , Slovak , Slovenian , Vietnamese

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Multilingual website about Virgin Mary apparitions in Medjugorje - articles, messages from Our Lady, news, videos, novena, pictures and photo gallery, secrets, reflections, spiritual life, visionaries and links.
Stjost Si Medzugorje ^

Languages: English , Croatian , Slovenian

Photos, songs in mp3 to listen and download, texts of songs, music notes from International Youth Festivals.
Medjugorje Hr ^

Languages: German , English , Spanish , French , Croatian , Italian , Polish

The official website of Medjugorje parish. Contains many documents and photos. ^

Languages: German , English , Croatian , Italian

“The Mother's Village” is an institution for both preschool education and the upbringing and social care for children and youth. It belongs to the Community of the Herzegovinian Franciscans of the Province of the “Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary” in Mostar, BiH. It was founded in 1993, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The building and operating was started by Father Slavko Barbarić and the project was aided by the Franciscan School Sisters of “The Holy Family” from the Herzegovinian Province. The Mother’s Village evolved out of the need for protection and care for the children who were wounded by the loss of their homes and parental care during and after the war. It started working officially on September 8, 1996.

The Mother’s Village was built and maintained by pilgrims and donors from all over the world.

The official Medjugorje website for Czech and Slovak republic

Medjugorje WebSite