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Medjugorje Website Updates by month april, 2006

2 april 2006 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News, Festival Mladifest
International Youth Festival Mladifest 17

The 17th International Youth Festival - Mladifest 17 – will take place in Medjugorje from August 1st to August 6th, 2006. The theme of the encounter is, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119 [118]:105) ( “Dear children … witness with your life that you believe and live the Word of God.” - Message of January 25, 2006

11 april 2006 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje.ws news / Author: Marek Gayer
Site News Today I finished moving of the site to a new address, that should be more easy to remember and matches better to the name of the site: www.ourlady.eu. Although the old address www.olm.name should work also, I recommend of using the new address, because www.olm.name will work only until May 2007. The site was unavailable during whole the yesterday due to this change but should be up and running from today without further problems.
20 april 2006 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic, Interviews
The Trip Of Vicka In The Afterlife

Vicka: ... Just entered, we have gone on, walking, perhaps three, four meters. We have not visited the whole Heaven, but the Gospa has made sense of it. We have seen a great space wound by a light that it doesn't exist here on the earth. We have seen the people that are neither fat, neither thin, but all equal ones and they have dresses of three colors: the grey , the yellow and the pink. The people walk, sing, pray. There were some small flying Angels. The Gospa has told us: "Look at how much the people are happy in the Heaven". And a joy that cannot be described and that here on the earth it doesn't exist.

21 april 2006 , Originally published mars, 2000 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic, Interviews
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Interview Of Vicka By Fr Livio For Radio Maria

Vicka: ... When you look at Our Lady the beauty of her face is so wonderful that words can't describe it. She herself has said that she is beautiful because she loves. This is the way we must be beautiful - above all, beautiful inside - so that our faces can radiate this beauty too... Unfortunately, we hide our faces behind many types of masks; we hide everything inside.. We have to begin to love to be beautiful. With all our hearts we should begin by loving those in our homes, our family and then the others around us. True beauty is spiritual beauty.

25 april 2006 , Last update 30 april 2006 /  Section: Medjugorje Budskapene - Category: Månedlige budskapene
"Kjære barn! Også i dag kaller jeg dere til å ha mer tillit til meg og min Sønn. Han har seiret gjennom sin død og oppstandelse og han kaller dere, gjennom meg, til å ta del i Hans glede. Dere kan ikke se Gud, mine barn, men hvis dere ber vil dere kjenne Hans nærhet. Jeg er med dere og jeg går i forbønn for hver enkelt av dere. Takk for at dere har svart på mitt kall. "