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Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages containing 'was'

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Our Lady was so sad that she was in tears. She prayed for the unbelievers, whom Our Lady calls 'those who do not yet know the love of God'. She then prayed and blessed all people present at the apparition and all of the religious articles that were among them. Our Lady spoke to Mirjana about the situation in the world and repeated three times:
God is love! God is love! God is love!
Mirjana was able to ask Our Lady about certain sick people, presenting their intentions to Mary. Our Lady gave answers but Mirjana was not able to share them with everyone present.
Our Lady did not give a classical message. She blessed all of us who were present and all the religious articles that we brought with us for blessing. With a serious expression on her face, Our Lady emphasized again the priestly blessing. With pain and love at the same time Our Lady said:
Remember, children of mine, that it is my Son blessing you. Do not accept it so lightly.
After that Our Lady told me about some things that are supposed to happen and she said:
There is no way without my Son. Do not think that you will have peace and joy if you do not have Him in the first place.
Mirjana said: "I cannot say that Our Lady was sad or joyful; she was preoccupied, with loving care on her face.
The apparition lasted 7 minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her husband and her three children.
Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call. Pray, pray, pray.
Our Lady was joyful and spoke about the seventh secret.
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 3:23 pm and lasted 6 minutes.
Our Lady gave the following message:
Today is a great day of joy and peace. Rejoice with me. Little children, in a special way, I call you to holiness in your families. I desire, little children, that each of your families be holy and that God's joy and peace, which God sends you today in a special way, may come to rule and dwell in your families. Little children, open your hearts today on this day of grace, decide for God and put Him in the first place in your family. I am your Mother. I love you and give you my Motherly Blessing.
Dear children. In this holy time full of God's graces, and His love which sends me to you, I implore you not to be with a heart of stone. May fasting and prayer be your weapon for drawing closer to and coming to know Jesus, my Son. Follow me and my luminous example. I will help you. I am with you. Thank you!
Mirjana reported: "Our Lady's face during the entire time was one of pain and sorrow. She spoke to me of things I cannot yet speak of. She blessed both us and the religious articles. The expression on Her face was especially serious when She was emphasizing 'the priestly blessing' and was asking for prayer and fasting for them (priests)."
Mirjana said that Our Lady was resolute and She said:
Today I will speak to you about what you have forgotten: Dear children, My name is Love. That I am among you for so much of your time is love, because the Great Love sends me. I am asking the same of you. I am asking for love in your families. I am asking that you recognize love in your brother. Only in this way, through love, will you see the face of the Greatest Love. May fasting and prayer be your guiding star. Open your hearts to love, namely, salvation. Thank you.
This year several thousand pilgrims gathered to pray the Rosary at the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje. The apparition lasted from 14:07 to 14:12 and Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children! I come to you as a Mother with gifts. I come with love and mercy. Dear children, mine is a big heart. In it, I desire all of your hearts, purified by fasting and prayer. I desire that, through love, our hearts may triumph together. I desire that through that triumph you may see the real Truth, the real Way and the real Life. I desire that you may see my Son. Thank you.
Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles. Again She emphasized that it is only Her Motherly blessing and She asked for daily prayers for those whom She said «my Son has chosen and blessed». Mirjana clarified that she thought Our Lady was referring to priests.
The apparition lasted 17 minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her husband and her three children. After the apparition, the visionary Ivanka said:
Our Lady remained with me for 17 minutes. She was joyful and spoke to me about Her life. Our Lady said:
Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.
Dear children, I call you to accompany me in my mission of God with an open heart and complete trust. The way on which I lead you, through God, is difficult but persevering and in the end we will all rejoice through God. Therefore, my children, do not stop praying for the gift of faith. Only through faith will the Word of God be light in this darkness which desires to envelope us. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Thank you.
Mirjana described that, at the end of the apparition, she saw an intense, strong light as the Heaven was opening and Our Lady entering into Heaven through that light.
Our Lady was very sad. Her eyes were filled with tears through out the whole time.
Dear children, Today, while I am looking at your hearts, my heart is filled with pain and shudder. My children, stop for a moment and look in to your hearts. Is my Son – your God truly in the first place? Are His commandments truly the measure of your life? I am warning you again. Without faith there is no God’s nearness. God’s word which is the light of salvation and the light of common sense.
Mirjana added: I asked Our Lady painfully not to leave us and not to give up on us. Our Lady painfully smiled to my request and left. This time she did not finish her message with the words “Thank you”. Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles we had with us.
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:29 pm and lasted 6 minutes.
Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children! Today, in a special way I call you to become open to God and for each of your hearts today to become a place of Jesus’ birth. Little children, through all this time that God permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you to the joy of your life. Little children, the only true joy of your life is God. Therefore, dear children, do not seek joy in things of this earth but open your hearts and accept God. Little children, everything passes, only God remains in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Our Lady appeared to the visionary Mirjana Soldo at 9 AM this morning at the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje. Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children! Also today, as I am with you in the great love of God, I desire to ask you: Are you with me? Is your heart open for me? Do you permit me to purify and prepare it for my Son? My children, you are chosen because, in your time, the great grace of God descended on earth. Do not hesitate to accept it. Thank you.
After the apparition, Mirjana said, "Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles. And while she was leaving, behind her in the blueness, I was able to see a wonderful, warm light."
Dear children, I am with you by the grace of God, to make you great - great in faith and love - all of you! You whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt, but you devout souls, I desire to illuminate with a new light. Pray that my prayer may meet open hearts that I may be able to illuminate them with the strength of faith and open the ways of love and hope. Be persevering. I will be with you.
Our Lady blessed all those present and all religious articles brought for blessing.
As Our Lady said "You whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt", she was looking at those present to whom this refers to, with a painful expression and tears in her eyes.
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 9:49 am and lasted 6 minutes.
Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children! Today, in a special way, I call you to pray for peace. Without God you cannot have peace or live in peace. Therefore, little children, today on this day of grace open your hearts to the King of peace, for Him to be born in you and to grant you His peace – and you be carriers of peace in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Dear children! Already for a long time I am giving you my motherly heart and offering my Son to you. You are rejecting me. You are permitting sin to overcome you more and more. You are permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment. My poor children, look around you and look at the signs of the times. Do you think that you can do without God's blessing? Do not permit darkness to envelop you. From the depth of your heart cry out for my Son. His Name disperses even the greatest darkness. I will be with you, you just call me: 'Here we are Mother, lead us.' Thank you.
Our Lady was very sad. She only gave a message and blessed us.
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 14:35 am and lasted 12 minutes.
Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear children! All of this time in which God in a special way permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you on the way that leads to Jesus and to your salvation. My little children, you can find salvation only in God and therefore, especially on this day of grace with little Jesus in my arms, I call you to permit Jesus to be born in your hearts. Only with Jesus in your heart can you set out on the way of salvation and eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Dear children, today I call you, with fasting and prayer, to clear the way by which my Son will enter into your hearts. Accept me as a mother and a messenger of God's love and of His desire for your salvation. Free yourself of everything from the past which burdens you and gives you a sense of guilt; of everything that brought you to error - darkness. Accept the light. Be born anew in the justice of my Son. Thank you.
Our Lady blessed all the religious articles and Mirjana said that when Our Lady was leaving, she saw a white dove at the end of the apparition, which Mirjana thought was the Holy Spirit.
The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2010.
At Her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was that way also this year.
The apparition, which lasted 6 minutes, took place at Ivanka’s family home. Only Ivanka’s family was present at the apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said: 'Our Lady spoke to me about the fifth secret and, at the end, said':
Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.
Dear children; Today I am praying here with you that you may gather the strength to open your hearts and thus to become aware of the mighty love of the suffering God. Through this His love, goodness and meekness, I am also with you. I invite you for this special time of preparation to be a time of prayer, penance and conversion. My children, you need God. You cannot go forward without my Son. When you comprehend and accept this, what was promised to you will be realized. Through the Holy Spirit the Kingdom of Heaven will be born in your hearts. I am leading you to this. Thank you.
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:25 pm and lasted 7 minutes.
Jakov said: “Our Lady spoke to me about the secrets and at the end said: ‘Pray, pray, pray.’